2 Keys To Team Development

Do you want your team to perform better? Be more consistent? Do you want them to be more open and communicative? Do you want them to stay with you and be successful?

There are two keys to your success with your team.

Inspiration and Achievement.

Is your team inspired?

This can be tricky to determine because you may have to discard most of what your team says and focus on what you sense how they feel. Inspiration will show up in their enthusiasm. Inspiration will show up their courage. Inspiration will show up in their actions.

Inspiration arises when one foresees a magnificent future. The possibility of breaking old grounds. A grand vision and conviction in it.

So the next time you meet your colleagues, look out for inspiration. Check how inspired are they for the task they have at hand. For the project they are part of. Are they inspired by their leaders?

Then look at how you can bridge the gap between their current levels of inspiration and the inspiration that will move mountains. Inspiration that will propel them to overcome all challenges and make the project a success.

Is your team achieving?

Inspiration gives actions. Actions give results. Achievement nurtures confidence and self worth. Which in turn further inspiration.

To achieve something, we must first know what we are out to achieve. Unless we know what our goal is, we won’t even realize we achieved the goal – let alone celebrating it. The emotional and intellectual stimulation of completing a challenge makes people go for more.

When your team completes something, do they feel a sense of achievement or a sense of “one less item on the list”? Do you celebrate victories? Do you consciously create milestone that the team can achieve and then keep increasing the challenge?

Have you established a loop of inspiration and achievement?

Sense of pride, fulfillment and accomplishment inspire your team even more. Achieving a goal that you were inspired to reach plants a solid step forward in your growth. A series of inspired actions and achievements will transform your team from where they are, to where you want them to be.

When do you want to schedule some time to evaluate where you and your team are in this loop? When do you take the next action?