Customer Satisfaction and Priority Survey


Nirav Mehta here from Apps Magnet. I hope things are going on well on your projects.

Do you love our products?

We’ve been developing activeCollab extensions based on our own needs and feedback from customers via email or our customer support forums. This has gone very well so far. I believe you’ve found our products useful too. We have heard from many of you that our products have saved you tonnes of time. At the same time, I don’t have any statistics on customer satisfaction as of now, so thought of doing a customer satisfaction survey.

I also keep a list of “new product ideas“. Every now and then I add items to it, and check them off as we launch new products. You’ll notice we have quite a few products apart from our flagship Planning & Reports modules.

Now, here’s the problem. That “new product ideas” list has grown rather long and I am kind of confused what to pick. I thought it will be better to ask you rather than taking “educated guesses” and “following hunches”. Please tell me what new products you would like us to work on. What problems would you like us to solve for you?

The survey form is right below. It’s straight forward and shouldn’t take a lot of time. At the same time, I want you to know that I really appreciate you filling this up and sharing your feedback with us. This will surely help us serve you better.

Thanks a lot. :-)

Nirav Mehta
Founder, Apps Magnet
nirav @ appsmagnet . com

image from flickr