Upgrading to activeCollab 3 – video tutorial guide, questions and common errors

Apps Magnet activeCollab 3 Status Page: if, when and how to upgrade

Should you upgrade to activeCollab 3? Watch the video above!

Official upgrade guides:

Make sure your server meets activeCollab 3’s system requirements. Download the probe.php file from here and test on your server first.

activeCollab 3 Compatibility Status of Apps Magnet plugins

You may be curious about when aC3 versions of Apps Magnet modules be available.

If you have access to the aC2 version of our product, you’d also get access to the aC3 version. If your access has expired, please renew to get access to the aC3 version. Renewal costs are generally about one third of the original price.

Here’s the current status of aC3 compatibility.

Product Status ETA
Tickets Plus Renamed to Tasks Plus. Released
Reports Renamed to Reports Plus. Released
Housekeeping Merged into acGarage Plus. Released
Incremental Backup Merged into acGarage Plus. Released
Gravatar Merged into acGarage Plus. Released
Widgets Plus new product Released Released
Hide People Released Released
Notifications Plus is paid now Released Released
Time Reports Plus Skipping Export feature for first release. Released Released
Planning First version for aC3 released. Released
Communications Core features implemented Released
Assignments Plus Released Released
Quick Add Plus Released Released
WordPress Connector new product Released Released
acGarge Lite Released Released
Bespoke new product Released Released
Search Plus new product – finally a search system that works! Released
Lightbox new product In-page media previews Released
Chronograph new product UI revamp needed Released
Confidential Items Brings new level of privacy to aC3! Released

When will acGarage customers be upgraded to activeCollab 3?

We currently have an upgrade ready for activeCollab 2.3.10. We will be asking all current acGarage Pro users if they want to upgrade to activeCollab 3. They’d need to have a valid license for aC3 as well. Once we confirm, we will perform the upgrade for them. We would actually prefer to wait for a week or so to see if there is any hotfix update for aC3 fixing possible critical issues.

We would also like to push our activeCollab 3 compatible modules when we do the upgrade!