Automatic growl like toast notifications for important activities within activeCollab – upcoming Milestones, Tasks or Sub Tasks, activity from other users, success / error messages etc.. Seamless integration with activeCollab, easy installation and configuration.

No time / energy / emotion waste on in-your-face system alerts
activeCollab’s default success / error alerts are too “loud”. Notifications Plus replaces them with gentle (and beautiful) Growl like toast notifications that show up from top right corner of your window. They don’t get in your way and let you focus on work.

Never miss something important with automatic updates on recent activities
You no longer need to go to back and forth to find latest work activity. A summary of each activity from your team members will be shown and you can click on it to jump to the original item. You can even mute all this update stream if you want to focus your current activity.

Ensure you’re aware of stuff that needs to be completed soon
See reminders for upcoming milestones, tasks and sub tasks – where you are on the team. You will be notified of upcoming items when you login to activeCollab first time in the day. This helps you prioritize and get things done.

Freedom from guilt of pushing people too much with automated email reminders
Notifications Plus can send email reminders for upcoming project items. This creates a sense of urgency without you having to remind everyone about deadlines. You can now free up from the guilt and focus on supporting the team to meet those deadlines!
Toast Notifications Features
- Beautiful, unobtrusive notifications in top right corner
- Global system level and user level filters to see what notifications are shown and what is hidden
- Click on a activity update notification to jump to the item
- Different colors for different activities to make it easier to understand what’s the update…
- activeCollab’s own success and error messages too will be shown as toast notifications
- Suppress notifications by “muting”. Unmute and get all pending notifications in one go
- Stackable – can show lots of notifications at once
- Shows user logins, upcoming items, recent activity stream
- Support to display notifications from third party modules
Due Date Reminders / Upcoming Items Features
- Email reminders for the whole team
- Select any time of day to send emails
- Notification of open Milestones, Tasks and Subtasks
- Notify 1 to 7 days in advance (before due date)
- Notify on due day
- Notify only responsible assignee
- Notify only assignees from the owner company (your clients won’t be bothered by notifications)

Error Messages Can Be Cute Too!

Notifications Email Reminders Settings
If you had Notifications Plus, how would it benefit you and your team?
Imagine if you had Notifications Plus, how much time, energy and attention will it save for you and your team? How will it be better than the default activeCollab system? Won’t it help your team to get these reminders and updates?