You and your team probably spend most of your activeCollab time with Tasks. Tasks Plus module gives you a massive productivity boost with Tasks. We bet you can not imagine activeCollab without Tasks Plus once you start using it!
- Create a transparent helpdesk support system using Tasks Plus and Incoming Mail feature of activeCollab
- Track status of the task via Workflow Statuses – new, reopened, feedback, acknowledged, assigned, in progress, resolved, closed.
- Create custom workflow statuses that suit your needs.
- Print Kanban Cards – for single or multiple tasks
- Adds Start On date for Tasks
- Automatically close / reopen tasks when you move them to specific workflow levels
- Merge tasks with each other and keep things together
- Batch update Responsible Person for multiple tasks, Copy / Move tasks to another project
- Link to open a task in a new tab/window
Tasks Plus in action

Improvements to tasks list, searching and task details

Define your own Workflow Rules
Create a transparent, support helpdesk ticketing system with Tasks Plus

You can use Tasks Plus along with Incoming Mail feature of activeCollab to create a transparent, non-robotic, human interaction like, customer support and helpdesk system.
Customers send support requests via email. They become tasks in activeCollab. Comments by your staff become replies to customer’s emails – and look like email coming from a real person!!

Click to watch a video and read the full Howto
Kanban and Agile Development Supported!
Do you follow Kanban or Agile development methods? Using Tasks Plus, you can print out Kanban cards for your tasks and then use them on your physical Kanban boards.


Merge a task with another

Video: Measure Ticket Progress via Workflow Statuses.. The video features activeCollab 2 version of Tickets Plus, but the core concepts of workflow status management remain the same in Tasks Plus.

Additional Information
Developer |
Apps Magnet
License |
Single Site
Impact Area |
Getting Things Done, Team Collaboration
Useful For |
Individual Users, Project Leaders, Project Managers
Product Type |
Compatible With |
activeCollab 3, activeCollab 4, activeCollab 4.1
Current aC3 Version |
Current aC4 Version |
Current aC4.1 And 4.2 Version |
Tasks Plus 4.2.12 [2016/05/05]
+ Now, each incoming mailbox have separate SMTP.
+ Added support for X-Mail-From and X-Mail-From-Name custom header.
Tasks Plus 4.2.11 [2015/02/25]
- 'rhtmlspecialchars(signature)' was show up in comment area. Removed it.
Tasks Plus 4.2.10 [2015/02/21]
- Fixed "Query failed with message 'Duplicate entry 'send_email_to_sender_on_support_ticket_creation'" issue after uninstall and installation of Tasks Plus module.
Tasks Plus 4.2.9 [2014/11/06]
- Admin was not able to delete, update or add labels from admin panel of Tasks Plus settings in activeCollab 4.2.16.
Tasks Plus 4.2.8 [2014/10/07]
+ Now, admin can set the acknowledgement message to send after successful creation of support ticket.
Tasks Plus 4.2.7 [2014/10/01]
- Compatible with aC 4.2.15
+ Now, customer will be notified on successful creation of support ticket.
Tasks Plus 4.2.6 [2014/07/22]
- Compatible with activeCollab 4.2.12
+ Now, multiple subscribers can be added when you create a support ticket within activeCollab
+ Added localization support for email template
+ Added "No Label" support back while creating a task
- Private and Confidential comments became normal when tasks are merged
Tasks Plus 4.2.5 [2014/05/16]
- activeCollab 4.2.8 compatible release.
+ Send an attachment in email notification when support ticket creates within activeCollab.
- Subscribers did not get attachments in email when client creates a support ticket.
- Fixed "trying to use a method that is not implemented IAssigneesImplementation::setOtherAssignees()" error.
- Client was not subscribed to support ticket when support tickets created from activeCollab and "Notify Client" option set to no.
Tasks Plus 4.2.4 [2014/05/03]
- Create support ticket from activeCollab.
Tasks Plus 4.2.3 [2014/03/31]
- Pop up was not show up properly when click on task link in calendar view (Fixed).
- Task Label change email notification also sent out to user who has changed task label(Fixed).
Tasks Plus 4.2.2 [2014/03/20]
+ activeCollab 4.2.5 compatibility.
- Fixed "Query failed with message 'Incorrect date value for column 'start_on'" error
Tasks Plus 4.2.1 [2014/02/25]
+ Task view link added into label change email notification.
+ Now, also display assignee along with workflow label in "Related Support Tickets" section
- Now, start on date can be set blank while editing task.
- Workflow labels duplicated when other support ticket open in quick view from "Related Support Ticket(s" section.
- Fixed database query error after move task from other project and click on the browser back button.
- Fixed email conflict issue when customer replies to support ticket with different email address
Tasks Plus 4.2 [2014/01/16]
- activeCollab 4.2.1 compatible version
+ Added merge tasks and user signature icon
- Fixed Error "Invalid or Empty Node passed to getItem constructor".
- User was not able to complete task using workflow label and change assignee both together while doing comment on task.
Tasks Plus 4.1.5 [2014/01/02]
- Signature was not show in comment box.
- Code snippets were not send via email for support tickets.
Tasks Plus 4.1.4 [2013/12/11]
- Compatible with aC 4.1.4
Tasks Plus 4.1.4 [2013/10/22]
+ Added label of a related support tickets
+ Send label change email notification.
Tasks Plus 4.1.2 [2013/10/03]
- Due date were not set for support ticket with email filters.
- Fixed Localisation issue
- Removed "There are no labels defined" message when workflow labels are already defined.
Tasks Plus 3.4.9 [2013/10/03]
+ Fixed localisation issue
Tasks Plus 4.1.1 [2013/08/22]
- Error (ConfigOptionDnxError) while viewing task.
Tasks Plus 4.1 [2013/08/21]
+ Change the workflow label of a support ticket when client comment on a task.
+ Added user signature when replying to support ticket
- Code Snippets were not added while commenting in aC4.
- System notification was not generated properly when support ticket is created through incoming email.
- Fixed error when change the label of a subtask.
Tasks Plus 3.4.8 [2013/08/21]
+ Auto change label of support ticket after client's comment.
- Code snippets were not added while making Comment
Tasks Plus 4.0.1 [2013/08/06]
+ Compatible with activeCollab 4.0.7.
Tasks Plus 4.0 [2013/07/24]
- Initial activeCollab 4 compatible version.
Tasks Plus 3.4.7 [2013/08/05]
+ Compatible with activeCollab 3.3.20.
Tasks Plus 3.4.6 [2013/08/02]
+ Compatible with activeCollab 3.3.19.
Tasks Plus 3.4.5 [2013/06/26]
_ Throw "unknown error occurred" error while installing modules.
Tasks Plus 3.4.4 [2013/06/14]
+ Added client summary. Check other support tickets from same client.
+ Now, CC users are also subscribe to tasks.
- Support icon was not display in quick view
- Fixed "Invalid token" javascript error.
Tasks Plus 3.4.3 [2013/06/06]
+ Add merge two tasks support
+ Now, initial email notification will be sent to subscribers for new support ticket
+ Differentiate Support ticket with normal tasks using icon
- Fix Unknown field "is_support_ticket" in project_objects table.
Tasks Plus 3.4.2 [2013/05/22]
+ Support ticket notifications are sent from mailbox name and email address now
- Completing a task while commenting properly changes the workflow label now
Tasks Plus 3.4.1 [2013/05/15]
- Reply-to field was set incorrectly while sending an email notification.
Tasks Plus 3.4 [2013/05/14]
+ Initial version of a Helps Desk support system
+ Remove headers and footers from email notifications of a support ticket
+ Send attachments with an email for support tickets
Note: Disable/Enable module after upgrade. To use the Help Desk Support Feature.
Tasks Plus 3.3.2 [2013/04/24]
- New label was not display after save it.
Tasks Plus 3.3.1 [2013/04/18]
- Kanban print was not working for multiple tasks
- Fixed kanban print layout.
Tasks Plus 3.3 [2013/03/29]
+ activeCollab 3.3 compatibility release.
Tasks Plus v3.2.7 [2013/03/15]
- Subtasks were not completed or reopened by changing labels.
- Creator of a task was not subscribed automatically to task.
Tasks Plus v3.2.6 [2013/01/15]
- Added backward compatibility with activeCollab 3.1.19
- Estimate can be added only by those users who have permission to add an estimate.
Tasks Plus v3.2.5 [2013/01/08]
- Move to Archive option was removed from task option.
- Fixed "Failed to load page" error while viewing the archive task.
Tasks Plus v3.2.4 [2012/12/03]
- Added custom field support.
- Compatibility with activeCollab 3.2.3+
- Kanban print button duplicated.
Known issue:
- Kanban print button doesn't display in quick view.
Tasks Plus v3.2.3 [2012/11/08]
- Tasks were not sorted correctly in Google Chrome when grouped by milestone
- Email notification not working when completing/reopening tasks through workflow status.
- Redirecting to moved task was broken - after moving a task to another project
Tasks Plus v3.2.2 [2012/10/20]
- Conflicts while creating tasks from incoming mail.
Tasks Plus v3.2.1 [2012/09/27]
+ Added priority indicator on tasks list
+ Automatically set position of a task, don't wait for reorder action.
Tasks Plus v3.2 [2012/09/13]
UPGRADE NOTE: If your task list looks weird after installing this version...
1. "Rebuild images" using the "Admin tools" menu in activeCollab
2. Clear browser cache and reload the page
+ Subtasks too adhere to Task Workflow rules now! And automatically
close / reopen.
+ Added ability to open a Task in a new window from the task list
(click on the outward pointing arrow on right)
+ Email notifications are now triggered when a task is reassigned
+ Labels are sorted by workflow position in admin panel now
- Adding new workflow label did not set positions correctly. Fixed.
Tasks Plus v3.1 [2012/08/14]
+ Start On date support for Tasks - works with Planning module too
+ Kanban card printing support added for single and multiple Tasks
(Learn more about Kanban from:
+ View Estimate on task detail page
+ Mass update Responsible person for multiple tasks - added
Tasks Plus 3.0.5 [2012/07/19]
Recommended upgrade.
+ Preserve workflow statuses even after uninstall
- Task was automatically reopened after completion
- Issues with posting comments or adding subtasks
Tasks Plus 3.0.4 [2012/07/15]
Recommended upgrade.
+ Added check for Tasks module availability on install
+ Ability to set default workflow from Tasks Plus admin
+ Compatibility with activeCollab 3.1.10 - Removed label colors from Tasks List
- Labels not showing correctly
- Only single label showing for Projects / Tasks
- Long workflow labels breaking layout in Outline view
- Automatic Close / Reopen not working in aC 3.1.8+. Fixed.
Tasks Plus 3.0.3 [2012/07/02]
- Some workflow statuses were not showing
- Additional workflow values not working properly
- Workflow statues are not displaying in proper order
- Mobile view - comment not working
Tasks Plus 3.0.2 [2012/06/14]
Bug fix release. Please "Disable" and then "Enable" Tasks Plus module from
activeCollab Admin - Modules for upgrade actions to run.
- Added localization support
- Installs only if Tasks module is active
- Task attachments not visible if upgraded from activeCollab 2
- Mobile interface not working
- Printing support broken
- Open / Close threshold functionality broken
Tasks Plus 3.0.1 [2012/06/09]
Compatibility changes for activeCollab 3.1.4
- Mass edit not working
- Task list not appearing properly
- "$job_type is expected to be an instance of JobType class" error while editing
Tasks Plus 3.0 [2012/05/29]
Initial activeCollab 3 compatible version.